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Showing posts from February, 2023

Katekismo Corner: On the Sense of Sin | 2022-2023 No. 14


Basilica Bulletin 2022-2023 No. 14: Lent as a Pilgrimage in the Desert of Temptations


Katekismo Corner: Lent as a Pilgrimage of the Interior Life | 2022-2023 No. 13b


Katekismo Corner: On Tuesday, the day before Ash Wednesday | 2022-2023 No. 13a


Katekismo Corner: On the Call to Holiness | 2022-2023 No. 13


Basilica Bulletin 2022-2023 No. 13: Pit Stop Sunday

Katekismo Corner: On the Ten Commandments | 2022-2023 No. 12


Basilica Bulletin 2022-2023 No. 12: Never let the sun go down on your anger (Eph. 4:26)


Katekismo Corner: On San Pedro Bautista, Patron of the Archdiocese of Caceres | 2022-2023 No. 11


Basilica Bulletin 2022-2023 No. 11: Am I the salt of the earth? And the light of the world?