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Showing posts from December, 2023

Katekismo Corner: On the Theotokos | 2023-2024 No. 5b


Katekismo Corner: On the Holy Family | 2023-2024 No. 5a


Basilica Bulletin 2023-2024 No. 5: Family Dynamics

Katekismo Corner: On the Mystery of the Incarnation | 2023-2024 No. 4b


Katekismo Corner: Say Yes | 2023-2024 No. 4a


Basilica Bulletin 2023-2024 No. 4: The Story of the Three Trees on Christmas


Katekismo Corner: On Gaudete Sunday | 2023-2024 No. 3b


Katekismo Corner: On the Testimony of Saint John the Baptist | 2023-2024 No. 3a


Basilica Bulletin 2023-2024 No. 3: There is One Among Us


Katekismo Corner: On the Appearance of St. John the Baptist | 2023-2024 No. 2b


Katekismo Corner: Preparing the way | 2023-2024 No. 2a


Basilica Bulletin 2023-2024 No. 2: Preparing the way of the Lord

Katekismo Corner: On the Gospel of Mark and being watchful | 2023-2024 No. 1


Basilica Bulletin 2023-2024 No. 1: Advent: Expectation and Hope