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Showing posts with the label Katekismo Corner

Katekismo Corner: On the 4th Sunday of Advent (Year C) | 2024-2025 No. 4


Katekismo Corner: On Gaudete Sunday | 2024-2025 No. 3b

Katekismo Corner: On preparing the way of the Lord | 2024-2025 No. 3a


Katekismo Corner: On the Appearance of St. John the Baptist | 2024-2025 No. 2b


Katekismo Corner: On the Immaculate Conception | 2024-2025 No. 2a


Katekismo Corner: On “Called to a Pilgrimage of Hope” | 2024-2025 No. 1b

Katekismo Corner: On the coming of the Universal Jubilee 2025 | 2024-2025 No.1a


Basilica Bulletin 2023-2024 No. 52b • On the Final End of the Universe


Basilica Bulletin 2023-2024 No. 52a • On the Kingship of Jesus

Katekismo Corner: On the Resurrection of the Body and Life Everlasting | 2023-2024 No.51


Katekismo Corner: On Eschatology | 2023-2024 No.49b


Katekismo Corner: The Law is Love | 2023-2024 No.49a


Katekismo Corner: On the Communion of Saints | 2023-2024 No.48


Katekismo Corner: On the Origins and Development of the Rosary II | 2023-2024 No.47


Katekismo Corner: On the Origins and Development of the Rosary I | 2023-2024 No.46b


Katekismo Corner: On “What must I do to inherit eternal life?” | 2023-2024 No.46a

Katekismo Corner: On the Rosary Month of October | 2023-2024 No.45b


Katekismo Corner: Love, Marriage, Children | 2023-2024 No.45a


Katekismo Corner: On the Octave of the Solemnity of Our Lady of Peñafrancia | 2023-2024 No.44


Katekismo Corner: On the Centenary of the Canonical Coronation | 2023-2024 No.43