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Katekismo Corner:On Canonical Possession | 2023-2024 No.22c


Katekismo Corner: On the Liturgical and Civic Receptions; Entrustment to Inâ | 2023-2024 No.22b


Katekismo Corner: Being Pruned by God | 2023-2024 No.22a


Basilica Bulletin 2023-2024 No. 22: I Am The True Vine and My Father is The Vine Grower


Katekismo Corner: The Good Sheep | 2023-2024 No.21b


Katekismo Corner: One Flock, One Shepherd | 2023-2024 No.21a


Basilica Bulletin 2023-2024 No. 21: Imitating Jesus as the Good Shepherd